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Our product
The PanPlasty TechniqueTMThe Art of Precision®

Management of early knee osteoarthritis presents a challenge for many orthopaedic surgeons and patients. Etiology from many of these patients originates from bone marrow lesions (subchondral edema) and if left untreated could lead to progressive pain, progression of arthritis, and subsequent need for knee arthroplasty(1).


PanPlasty Instrument System Overview


The PanPlasty Instrument System is uniquely designed to precisely target and delivery biomaterials to ensure precise treatment of intraosseous lesions potentially lessening/alleviating patient pain and delaying the need for more complex and invasive arthroplasty surgical procedures.

Localizer Pin Option

Spike probe provides stabilization of the
guide arm into subchondral bone


Ring probe provides delicate
handling of articular surfaces

Trocar Options
End Delivery
Side Delivery

PanPlasty Instrument Sterilization Tray

Sterilization Tray

PanPlasty Surgical Technique (Knee)

Coming soon

Interest Form

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